I've always felt very alone in this battle. Mostly my own choice because I never knew how people would react. I let a few in and they ended up walking out (for different reasons). I have an extremely tiny support system and quite honestly I even have a hard time talking to them because I don't think they really understand... and I think they have basically just given up on me... With the exception of one, who feels completely helpless at this point. So it's basically just been me on my own with my therapist, who supports me 100%. However I still felt so alone in this, I decided I needed to reach out to others, even if it meant leaving some of them beyond shocked that this was going on. Best thing I ever did.
I now have an amazingly strong support system, and that is exactly what I need... and I am eternally grateful for all of them.
They are all by my side, assuring me that I'm not going thru this by myself, which is a huge relief for me, since I've always felt so alone in this battle. .. but not anymore. Each and every one of them will do anything they can to help me. Even if it's just to listen, I know I have multiple ears open and shoulders to cry on.... they have all given me the open door policy. They have come together as a team... makes me emotional when I think of how many people love and care about me and don't look at me differently or judge me. Now I wonder what I would do without any of them. It's relieving to know if I do fall... There are so many people to catch me. And none of them are willing to give up on me... they won't let me lose!
I have one person who just gets me... and that has never ever happened before with anyone other than my therapist... I never expected it... I hope she knows what she has done for me! It truly is a great feeling to open up and just let my guard down completely and have no fear knowing she completely understands and loves me just for being me!
Another we have had a rocky road at times... but she has never ever judged me for anything I've done and has always been one of the most supportive people in my life and a great motivater. She has seen me go down this road before...She always believes in me. and is the one who suggested I take this step in the first place. I know when push comes to shove she loves me and would do anything for me. So glad we were able to start over again.... life is too short :)
Another who has known me for what feels like forever, she has watched me grow up for the past 15 yrs. I wish I had reached out to her sooner, but better late then never. She has always been a great listener. I know she will always be there for me. She has so much faith in me and loves me so much. To her, I'll always be her little girl :)
Then there's the one who has had the hardest time with this... she loves me so much and she has been thru this with me before, and it was hard for her then. All I wanted was for her to understand and be there for me... and no matter how many times I tried to talk to her about it, I couldn't which was really hard. After a long talk, she now 100% is on board... and says no matter what we will get thru this together ;)
Im sure each one of you know who you are :)
There are so many other supportive people I have, I can't list them all... but each and every one of them is amazing. I know that no matter what happens, so many people are ready to take the ride with me....
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