Thursday, February 20, 2014

The family that wasn't.

A few people have questioned as to why my family knows none of what's going on.  Other than 2 of my cousins, everyone else is clueless.  I have several reasons why:

I have a very judgemental family....

I have never had a close relationship with any of my family... with the exception of my grandmother.  Since she passed, I have no one.  But that doesn't mean I haven't tried.

I've always felt like that black sheep in the family (my mothers side). I was the one who barely graduated high school, didn't go to college, and spent my time working in a grocery store.  My cousins had gone on to college and everyone was so proud of what they had done.  I never "fit in" with the way the rest of the family was.  However, I will say that my grandmother told me constantly up until she died, that she was proud of me.  That I will always hold onto.

I've never had a very good relationship with my parents.  When one of my friends caught me purging at 13, the school ended up calling my mother what was going on.  I remember her and my stepdad came up to my room and basically said cut the shit or we will send you away to a hospital.  Then they shut the door, went back downstairs and it was never talked about again.  So I just learned to hide it better.  My dad and my stepmom never knew.  At the time I was already seeing a therapist, but didn't really think it was a big deal.... I was only 13.  Too young to know where it would lead...

I had talked to both of my aunts what was going on at the time, back when we had a close relationship.  One of my aunts (we'll call her #1) had called my mother to talk to her about ways to help me, and talk to her about it.  My mother told her to mind her own business... and I just learned a few months ago that she didn't speak to #1 for 2 years over this.  I now know she really did take away the only person who tried to help me.  From then on, it was me on my own.  I don't understand as a parent why you wouldn't want to do anything and everything to help your child when they need you.

A few months before my grandmother passed away, #1 came to visit, and I reached out to her, in an attempt to try and rebuild the relationship we'd had when I was younger.  I wrote her an email explaining everything (minus the eating disorders), and we started to rebuild the relationship I had hoped for.  Around that same time, my therapist was suggesting I talk to my mother about me having bipolar.  I was resistant, but figured I would give it a shot.  I remember telling her there was something someone wanted me to tell her and she said who and I said "My therapist".  She just looked at me when I said I had Bipolar and responded with... "That's why you're so moody all the time".  That was it.  End of discussion.  Never brought up again.

 After my grandmother passed away I reached out to aunt #2, in hopes I could rebuild the relationship I had with her as well.  I wrote her a letter explaining everything, and about how I was looking for more support.  I got a letter back, and basically it was all about her, and her stress, what she was going thru... she barely acknowledged what I had to say.  However, I made a second attempt.  The response to that one was that building a relationship takes time, and to lets see where it goes, but that she couldn't guarantee I would even want one with her.  I replied with that if we both wanted it and put the effort in, we could go with the "let's try".  That was in September.  I never got a response.  It bothered me at first, but now I look at it as she didn't want to try to have a relationship with me.  I hear from #1 every now and then, when it's convenient for her.  Not how I had hoped things would turn out.

I don't have supportive parents.  They never really showed that they loved me, they just bought me stuff instead.  I now know you can't replace love with material possessions.  They weren't there for me.  I spent so many of my teenage years sitting in my room crying... alone.  I know my mother and I will never have a relationship other than the one that is based around my son.  That hope of ever having a mother/daughter relationship was thrown out the window a long time ago.  Now being a parent myself, I hug, kiss, and tell my son a million times a day how much I love him, because I know what it's like to not have that.  I want him to know that no matter what he can always come to me for absolutely anything, and I will do everything and anything I can to help him... there is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for him!  Mom will always be his #1 Fan :)

My therapist suggested I reach out to someone else in my family.  So if I had to choose, it would be my middle sister (most people know I'm the oldest of 3 girls... we all have the same father, I have a different mother).  I told my sister several years ago, however I'm sure she has no idea it's still going on.  Honestly I don't think I will even tell her.  I just would rather not.

Do I wish I had a supportive family?  Of course.  However, I just don't see that ever happening.  I just feel like there is only so much effort you can put into something before you realize it's just not worth it anymore.  At this point I see it as...  It is what it is.

PS.  This is not one of my better ones.  The deep writing will resume tomorrow.

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