Thursday, December 31, 2015

The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.

2015 has come to an end.  I definitely think this was the most life changing year for me.... so many things happened this year!  The downside... losing my Nonnie, my last grandparent, unexpectedly.  Life has forever changed since that moment.. a moment I was not prepared for.  Moving forward hasn't been easy, but here I am, doing it.

Most people know I hate summer.... or as I should say now... USED to hate summer.  This was the best summer of my life.  I did so many fun things and I feel like this is one of the first years I've actually enjoyed life.  This year I went on my first road trip, got my first tattoo (finally!), and took several other memorable trips, all with my best friend by my side!  I've learned to live in the moment.  I have spent so much of life dwelling on the past and thinking about the future that the present was flying right by me and I was too busy to see it.... and I'm trying very hard to not do that anymore.  Sure, I'm thinking about what I can do next week, but that's pretty much the extent of it... minus the week in July at the Cape I'm so looking forward to!  I'm forever thankful to have such an amazing unbiological mom/big sister/ best friend who has opened my eyes to another way of life... and without her, I couldn't be me.  She has taught me how to live... instead of just existing in a world of "what if's".  I've learned to not live with regrets.... every single decision I've ever made has shaped me into the person I am.  Are there things I wish I could change or have done differently?  I'm sure there's a few... but no regrets.  The past cannot be changed, edited, or erased.  I've learned from every decision I've made... therefore, I do not think anything has been a mistake.  And I've learned more things than ever this year!

Sometimes you have to let people go... not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever.  People really do come and go.... but the right ones always stay.  And some people are only meant to leave your life temporarily.  Letting go is a process... and not an easy one.  I've had to do it this year and I'm happy with my decision... I will always be grateful for the good times and look back on them and smile.  Sometimes people enter your life at just the right time... and exit the same way.  The people that are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back to you, no matter how far they wander.

This year was about gaining life experience.  You can always make more money, but you can't always make more memories.  I think our first trip to the Cape opened my eyes to that.  There's something about sitting on the beach with the sun shining and listening to the waves... and just savoring the moment.  It's ok to take time off.  It's ok to go away without your child and not feel guilty in the least.  You only live ONCE.  Could I have not gone away at all and worked instead and started trying to pay off debt?  Of course.  But no amount of money could take the place of what this year meant to me.  I will have those memories forever.

Most people know I don't make resolutions... mainly because I never keep them!  I do however, have goals for 2016.

1.  Make a thorough effort to start paying off debt
2.  Travel more (and somehow try to stick to #1 at the same time!)
3.  Take my meds every day
4.  Start couponing again (I used to be great at it.... and saved so much money!)

I'm sure if I thought long and hard I could come up with more, but those are my main ones.  No guarantees, but I will give it my best effort!

Goodbye to 2015, and all the memories that were made.
2016, I hope you're ready for even more.


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